Established in 1878

City Government & Officials
**As of January 28, 2025**
Mayor: Christian Ayles Term Expires: 12-31-2026
City Administrator: Samantha Allen
Council President: Rita Wilson
Position #: Council Members: Term Expires:
1 Joanne Duarte 12-31-2026
2 Rita Wilson 12-31-2026
3 Tom Rolfe 12-31-2026
4 ReeElla von Borstel 12-31-2028
5 Rick Whitaker 12-31-2028
6 Bonne Whitley 12-31-2028
Water/Maintenance: Walter Grzeszczyk
City Council Meetings
Grass Valley City Council meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, unless otherwise posted. Guests are welcome and encouraged!
Our meetings are held in the Grass Valley Market Annex, beginning at 7:00 PM.
Council Meeting Minutes
*Agenda may change without further notice*
Do you have something that you would like to discuss at an upcoming City Council Meeting?
The City Council wants to hear from our residents! Please send us an email or give us a call and we will get you on the agenda!